El libro Solutions - Pre-intermedio - Unidad 8 - 8F
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de las Unidades 8 - 8F del libro de curso Solutions Pre-Intermediate, como "investigación", "huella digital", "registro dental", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
an attempt to gather the facts of a matter such as a crime, incident, etc. to find out the truth

a paper or electronic document that a person needs to buy in order to travel on a train

billete de tren, ticket de tren

a substance for chewing with different tastes such as strawberry, mint, etc.

a type of vehicle or container that lacks a roof or has a removable top

descapotable, coche sin techo

a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people

coche, carro
a set of numbers assigned to a specific telephone or mobile device, which enables calls to be made or received on that device

número de teléfono, número telefónico

a private system of symbols or words that represents a message known only to the sender and recipient

código secreto, código cifrado

a mark made by the unique pattern of lines on the tip of a person's finger, can be used to find out who has committed a crime

huella digital