El libro Face2face - Elemental - Unidad 7 - 7C
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de las Unidades 7 - 7C del libro de texto de Face2Face Elementary, como "librería", "quiosco", "sello", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
a store that sells clothing items, such as shirts, pants, dresses, and jackets, for people to wear

tienda de ropa, comercio de ropa

a store that sells shoes of various styles and sizes to customers

tienda de zapatos, zapatería

a large store that we can go to and buy food, drinks and other things from

a type of shop where a person can buy newspapers, magazines, and sweets, usually located in busy areas like train stations or shopping centers

quiosco de prensa, tienda de periódicos

a large store, divided into several parts, each selling different types of goods

tienda por departamentos
a place where we can send letters, packages, etc., or buy stamps

oficina de correos
a financial institution that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services

a place where one can buy medicines, cosmetic products, and toiletries

farmacia, drogería

a store that provides a variety of meats, mainly beef, pork, and lamb to customers


a store that specializes in baking and selling bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods

panadería, pastelería

a small piece of paper or other material that is affixed to a letter or package to indicate that the appropriate postage fee has been paid for its delivery

sello, timbre

an image that shows where things like countries, seas, cities, roads, etc. are in an area

a case with a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when we are traveling

a piece of soft thin paper that is disposable and is used for cleaning

pañuelo, Kleenex
a card that usually has a picture on one side, used for sending messages by post without an envelope

tarjeta postal
a sweet food we make by mixing flour, butter or oil, sugar, eggs and other ingredients, then baking it in an oven

a set of large folded sheets of paper with lots of stories, pictures, and information printed on them about things like sport, politic, etc., usually issued daily or weekly

periódico, diario
a small stick made of dried and finely chopped tobacco leaves, which people light in order to inhale the smoke

cigarrillo, cigarette