El libro Face2Face - Pre-intermedio - Unidad 12 - 12B
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de las Unidades 12 - 12B del libro de curso Pre-Intermedio de Face2Face, como "estresado", "tomar tiempo", "dolor de cabeza", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
to take one's advice
to listen to and follow the guidance or suggestions offered by another person
to take time
to need a significant amount of time to be able to happen, be completed, or achieved
to take
to consume a drug, medication, or substance in a specified manner, such as swallowing, inhaling, or injecting

a sweet white or brown substance that is obtained from plants and used to make food and drinks sweet

to take (a) note
to listen or pay attention carefully to something and remember it for later use

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