
El libro Insight - Intermedio Alto - Unidad 6 - 6C

Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de las Unidades 6 - 6C del libro de texto Insight Upper-Intermediate, como "en desgracia", "en peligro", etc.




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Empezar a aprender
Insight - Upper-intermediate
out of one's depth

in a very nervous or frustrating state of mind in face of a problem or situation one knows very little or nothing about

no tener las habilidades o conocimientos necesarios

no tener las habilidades o conocimientos necesarios

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out on a limb

in a situation that involves a lot of risk and little support or evidence, especially one that arouses negative reactions in others

en una situación peligrosa

en una situación peligrosa

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out of step with sb/sth

having ideas or beliefs that are in conflict with those of other people

tener opiniones contrastantes

tener opiniones contrastantes

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out of character

said of something that is completely unexpected and does not resemble one's usual behavior

in one's element

in a good mood because of enjoying what one does or being in a place or situation that one likes

feliz y satisfecho

feliz y satisfecho

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a focus of public attention

luz de calcio

luz de calcio

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in the offing

likely to happen or appear soon

a la vista

a la vista

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out of favor

no longer popular, accepted, or supported by others

fuera de favor

fuera de favor

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