Entrenamiento General IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Respuestas emocionales positivas
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con las respuestas emocionales positivas que son necesarias para el examen IELTS de capacitación general.
Tarjetas de memoria
having the ability to attract and hold one's attention or interest
cautivador, fascinante
attractive and interesting in a way that draws one's attention
atractivo, interesante
causing a strong sense of excitement or thrill
electrizante, emocionante
bringng happiness or a sense of accomplishment
gratificante, satisfactorio
inspiring positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and affection in the viewer or reader
conmovedor, alentador
inspiring a feeling of wonder or amazement
asombroso, maravilloso
creating an appealing and welcoming atmosphere that draws people in
acogedor, inviting
stirring, exciting, or capable of evoking enthusiasm or strong emotions
inspirador, entusiasta
capable of making one feel more awake, refreshed, and full of energy
dinamizador, revitalizante
giving a better understanding, information, or a deeper connection to one's spiritual awareness
iluminador, iluminadora
providing a sense of ease, comfort, or relief
reconfortante, tranquilizador
arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious