500 Adverbes Anglais Les Plus Courants - Top 126 - 150 Adverbes
Vous disposez ici de la partie 6 de la liste des adverbes les plus courants en anglais tels que "off", "alone" et "forever".
used to refer to the outcome of a situation if the circumstances were different
sinon, autrement, sans quoi
used to emphasize that one is being sincere and telling the truth, especially when the thing being said sounds surprising
used to refer to something that will exist for a very long time
pour toujours, toujours
used for emphasizing that something is surprising or confusing
que possible, jamais
via, onto, or while connected to the Internet or other computer network
en ligne, sur Internet
in a way or by some method that is not known or certain
d’une manière ou d’une autre, tant bien que mal on ne sait pas comment, je ne sais pas comment, curieusement
repeatedly going in one direction and then in the opposite direction
aller et venir, faire la navette
in a way that continues without any pause
constamment, continuellement
used to convey that something seems to be true based on the available evidence or information
used after negative statements to indicate a similarity between two situations or feelings
used to show that the opinion someone is giving comes from their own viewpoint
in position or direction that is further forward or in front of a person or thing
used to indicate a logical result or effect
alors, donc, par conséquent