500 Verbes Anglais Les Plus Courants - Top 451 - 475 Verbes
Ici, vous disposez de la partie 19 de la liste des verbes les plus courants en anglais tels que « date », « type » et « clear ».
to go out with someone that you are having a romantic relationship with or may soon start to have one

sortir avec, fréquenter

to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation

to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another

to gain something good from something or someone

profiter de, tirer profit de, tirer avantage de
to act in a specific way in order to make others believe that something is the case when actually it is not so

faire semblant
to make something such as a process, piece of equipment, etc. start working

to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts

enquêter sur
to become hard or turn to ice because of reaching or going below 0° Celsius

geler, se congeler
to forcibly push something against a surface until it breaks or is damaged or disfigured
