500 Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang Paling Umum - 451 - 475 Kata Kerja Teratas
Di sini Anda diberikan bagian 19 dari daftar kata kerja paling umum dalam bahasa Inggris seperti "date", "type", dan "clear".
Kartu flash
to go out with someone that you are having a romantic relationship with or may soon start to have one
berpacaran, kencan dengan
to make something longer, looser, or wider, especially by pulling it
meregang, memanjang
to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation
memperkirakan, menaksir
to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another
mentransfer, mengganti
to gain something good from something or someone
mendapatkan manfaat, memperoleh keuntungan
to win against someone in a war, game, contest, etc.
mengalahkan, menang
to not believe or trust in something's truth or accuracy
ragu, tidak percaya
to act in a specific way in order to make others believe that something is the case when actually it is not so
berpura-pura, menyimulasikan
to take someone's child into one's family and become their legal parent
mengadopsi, mengangkat anak
to remove unwanted or unnecessary things from something or somewhere
membersihkan, mengosongkan
to take out the liquid from something in a way that it is not wet anymore
mengeringkan, menyusutkan
to go after someone or something, particularly to catch them
mengejar, menyusuri
to make something such as a process, piece of equipment, etc. start working
mengaktifkan, menghidupkan
to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts
menyelidiki, mencari tahu
to become hard or turn to ice because of reaching or going below 0° Celsius
membeku, beko
to choose a person for a specific job, particularly a political one, by voting
memilih, mengundi
to forcibly push something against a surface until it breaks or is damaged or disfigured
menghancurkan, menekan
to admire someone because of their achievements, qualities, etc.
to breathe in and out the smoke of a cigarette, pipe, etc.
merokok, menghisap
to notice or discover something that is difficult to find
mendeteksi, menemukan
to tell someone in advance about a possible danger, problem, or unfavorable situation
memperingatkan, memberi tahu
to have or express uncertainty about something
mempertanyakan, bertanya