Le livre Face2face - Intermédiaire - Unité 6 - 6A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 6 à 6A du manuel Face2Face Intermédiaire, comme « progrès », « vaisselle », « rendez-vous », etc.
to create or choose a course of action from various options after considering the available information and potential consequences
something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills

the action or process of making something, especially inside a house, etc. clean

the certificate that is given to university or college students upon successful completion of their course

diplôme, licence, maîtrise
a reason given to explain one's careless, offensive, or wrong behavior or action

excuse, prétexte

a shout that typically expresses a strong emotion such as pain, fear, excitement, or protest

cri, appel

to come to a final decision or conclusion after considering different options or possibilities

se décider
a sweet food we make by mixing flour, butter or oil, sugar, eggs and other ingredients, then baking it in an oven

a planned meeting with someone, typically at a particular time and place, for a particular purpose
