Le livre Face2face - Intermédiaire Supérieur - Unité 9 - 9B
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 9 à 9B du manuel de cours Face2Face Intermédiaire supérieur, tel que « saisissant », « surfait », « tiré par les cheveux », etc.
movies, television shows, etc. or an activity that is made for people to enjoy

divertissement, spectacle
not probable and difficult to believe

capillotracté, improbable, invraisemblable
having qualities that make something possible and accepted as true

crédible, convaincant
easily anticipated or expected to happen based on past experiences or knowledge

prévisible, attendu

exciting and intriguing in a way that attracts one's attention

captivant, passionnant
easy to remember or worth remembering, particularly because of being different or special

to consider someone or something as less important, valuable, or skillful than they actually are

concerned with or based on something that is practical and achievable in reality
