
Situations et États - Changement et transformation

Plongez dans les proverbes anglais sur le changement et la transformation, comme « chaque âge a son livre » et « un nouveau balai nettoie ».







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Situations & States
there is nothing new under the sun

used to suggest that everything that happens or exists has already been experienced or observed in some form before

il n'y a rien de nouveau sous le soleil

il n'y a rien de nouveau sous le soleil

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a new broom sweeps clean

used to imply that a new person, who is not yet set in their ways, is more efficient and effective in implementing change than someone who has been in the position for a long time

un nouveau balai nettoie

un nouveau balai nettoie

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every age has its book

used to encourage individuals to recognize and appreciate the fact that every historical period or generation has a unique perspective and approach to understanding the world

chaque âge a son livre

chaque âge a son livre

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from the sweetest wine, the tartest vinegar

used to suggest that the greatest successes or pleasures in life can sometimes lead to the greatest failures or disappointments

du vin le plus doux, du vinaigre le plus acidulé

du vin le plus doux, du vinaigre le plus acidulé

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there are no birds in last year's nest

used to suggest that conditions and circumstances are always changing, and that relying on past successes or achievements is not a guarantee of future success

il n'y a pas d'oiseaux dans le nid de l'année dernière

il n'y a pas d'oiseaux dans le nid de l'année dernière

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times change and we with time

used to say that as time passes, people may adapt and change to new circumstances and situations, including societal norms and standards

les temps changent et nous avec le temps

les temps changent et nous avec le temps

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variety is the spice of life

used to imply that it is important to seek out and embrace new experiences, activities, and pleasures in life to keep things interesting and enjoyable

la variété est l'épice de la vie

la variété est l'épice de la vie

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you cannot put new wine in old bottles

used to imply that it is very difficult or impossible to change something that is already set in its ways

on ne peut pas mettre du vin nouveau dans de vieilles bouteilles

on ne peut pas mettre du vin nouveau dans de vieilles bouteilles

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every flow has its ebb

used to suggest that every negative period will eventually be followed by a positive period, and vice versa, suggesting that life is a constant cycle of ups and downs

chaque flux a son reflux

chaque flux a son reflux

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