
Vertu & Vice - Importance de la moralité et de la vertu

Découvrez comment des proverbes anglais comme « le fair-play est un joyau » et « faites le bien et ne craignez aucun homme » décrivent l'importance de la moralité et de la vertu en anglais.







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Virtue & Vice
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

used to suggest that success and power can corrupt even the most virtuous or heroic individuals, leading them to abandon their principles

better a good cow than a cow of a good kind

used to emphasize the value of personal qualities and virtues over one's family background or social status

mieux vaut une bonne vache qu'une vache de bonne espèce

mieux vaut une bonne vache qu'une vache de bonne espèce

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do right and fear no man

used to suggest that if a person always acts with honesty, integrity, and morality, they have nothing to fear from others

fais le bien et ne crains personne

fais le bien et ne crains personne

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fair play is a jewel

used to imply that honesty, justice, and integrity in competition or conflict are highly valued and considered precious

le fair-play est un joyau

le fair-play est un joyau

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he lives long who lives well

used to emphasize that the quality of one's life is more important than the quantity of years lived, as a good and virtuous life is more fulfilling and leads to a longer and happier life

il vit longtemps, celui qui vit bien

il vit longtemps, celui qui vit bien

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hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

used to encourage people to avoid negativity and harmful behavior towards others, focusing on positivity and refraining from spreading gossip or harmful information

n'entends aucun mal, ne vois aucun mal, ne dis aucun mal

n'entends aucun mal, ne vois aucun mal, ne dis aucun mal

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there is honor (even) among thieves

used to suggest that even those with questionable morals may have a sense of honor and loyalty among themselves, highlighting the unexpected bonds that can form between individuals

il y a de l'honneur même parmi les voleurs

il y a de l'honneur même parmi les voleurs

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virtue is its own reward

used to imply that the satisfaction of doing the right thing is a reward in itself and that people should strive to act with honor and integrity in all aspects of life

la vertu est sa propre récompense

la vertu est sa propre récompense

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it is ill waiting for dead men's shoes

used to warn against relying on an inheritance or waiting for someone else's misfortune before pursuing personal goals, encouraging people to take action toward achieving success

a clean conscience makes a soft pillow

used to suggest that a person who has acted with honesty, integrity, and morality can rest easy and feel at ease with themselves

une bonne conscience fait un oreiller moelleux

une bonne conscience fait un oreiller moelleux

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a clear conscience is a sure card

used to imply that having a clear conscience, free from guilt or wrongdoing, can be a valuable asset in life

une bonne conscience est une carte sûre

une bonne conscience est une carte sûre

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an honest man's pillow is his peace of mind

used to suggest that having a clear conscience and living with integrity can bring a sense of security and inner peace

l'oreiller d'un honnête homme est sa tranquillité d'esprit

l'oreiller d'un honnête homme est sa tranquillité d'esprit

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