Liste de Mots Niveau C2 - Difficulté et défi
Vous apprendrez ici tous les mots essentiels pour parler de Difficulté et de Défi, collectés spécifiquement pour les apprenants de niveau C2.
extremely difficult or seemingly impossible to understand or interpret due to its unclear intent or cause

impénétrable, insondable
difficult to understand due to being complex or obscure

abscons, obscur, complexe, difficile
difficult to understand or obscure to most people due to its complexity

abscons, obscur, ésotérique
designed to be so simple that even someone with little knowledge or skill can use it without making mistakes

à l'épreuve des idiots, simple comme bonjour

extremely tiring and demanding strenuous effort and perseverance

éreintant, épuisant, exténuant
intimidating, challenging, or overwhelming in a way that creates a sense of fear or unease

causing a significant loss of physical, emotional, or mental energy

épuisant, démoralisant

(of sentences, explanations, arguments, etc.) long and difficult to understand, often due to complexity or excessive detail

achieving something after facing a lot of challenges and putting in a great deal of effort

difficilement gagné, gagné après de nombreux efforts

causing fatigue, boredom, or irritation due to being repetitive or tiresome

fatigant, épuisant
to successfully overcome challenges or difficulties

surmonter, venir à bout de, vaincre
to use skill and cunning to gain an advantage over someone, defeating or surpassing them through intelligence

surpasser, déjouer

to endure a difficult or dangerous situation with courage and determination

affronter, braver