Liste de Mots Niveau B1 - Art
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur l'art, tels que « artwork », « sculpture », « sketch », etc. préparés pour les apprenants B1.
any creative piece such as paintings, sculptures, etc., that is created by an artist to convey a message or express an emotions

œuvre, tableau
an artistic expression delivered by different means of art like music or painting

forme d'art
the art of shaping and engraving clay, stone, etc. to create artistic objects or figures

arts that are based on drawing in two dimensions with no color involved

arts graphiques
types of art such as dance, drama, and music that are performed in front of an audience

arts du spectacle
to add beautiful things to something in order to make it look more attractive

to make drawings according to which something will be constructed or produced

concevoir, dessiner

to produce an elementary and quick drawing of someone or something

esquisser, faire un croquis de, faire une esquisse de
a basic version of something, often created to outline or test ideas before the final version

croquis, esquisse
pictures or words that are drawn on a public surface such as walls, doors, trains, etc.

a picture or drawing in a book, or other publication, particularly one that makes the understanding of something easier

a drawing, photograph, or painting of a person, particularly of their face and shoulders

a large object created to look like a person or animal from hard materials such as stone, metal, or wood

someone who has become very skillful in their chosen art, particularly one in the past

a specific way of writing, designing, painting, etc. that is typical of a certain era, person, movement, place, etc.

the art of making pictures by sticking photographs, pieces of cloth or colored paper onto a surface
