Liste de Mots Niveau B1 - Voyages et Vacances
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur les voyages et les vacances, tels que « sac à dos », « vacances », « réservation », etc. préparés pour les apprenants B1.
a small hotel or guesthouse that provides the residents with a resting place and breakfast

a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

a book typically small, with information, images, and details about a product, service, organization, or event

brochure, plaquette
having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties

abordable, pas trop cher, pas trop chère
an outdoor fire that is typically built at a campsite for warmth, cooking, etc.

feu de camp
a plastic card that works magnetically and is used instead of a typical door key

carte d'accès, carte magnétique, clé magnétique
the process of arriving at a location such as an airport, a hotel, etc., and reporting one's presence

the counter or the front desk in a hotel, hospital, etc. where visitors or guests can check in, receive assistance, etc.

the receptionist of a hotel, who is responsible for greeting and assisting visitors, answering phones, etc.

employé de bureau, employée de bureau
a journey that is completed within a single day, without requiring an overnight stay

excursion (d'une journée, d'un jour)
a man working in a hotel, building, etc. who lets visitors in and helps them find a taxi

a hotel room in which three or four people can stay and sleep, usually for parents and their children

an arrangement in which two groups or people from different countries do each other's jobs or visit each other

a specific area in a building, like a hotel or office, where one checks in, gets help, or asks questions

a place or building that provides cheap food and accommodations for visitors

auberge de jeunesse
a small refrigerator in a hotel room with different types of drinks or snacks inside

someone who enters a place, such as a building, city, or website, for a particular purpose

a journey, typically for observing and photographing wild animals in their natural habitat, especially in African countries

places that tourists are interested in, particularly those with historical, cultural, or natural significance

principales attractions, monuments