
Seznam Slovíček Úrovně B1 - Cestování a dovolená

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o cestování a dovolené, jako je „batoh“, „dovolená“, „rezervace“ atd. připravená pro studenty B1.









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CEFR B1 Vocabulary
to backpack

to hike or travel carrying one's clothes, etc. in a backpack

putovat s batohem, tábořit s batohem

putovat s batohem, tábořit s batohem

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bed and breakfast

a small hotel or guesthouse that provides the residents with a resting place and breakfast


a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

dovolená, prázdniny

dovolená, prázdniny

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the arrangement made in advance to reserve a hotel room, ticket, etc.

rezervace, zarezervování

rezervace, zarezervování

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a book typically small, with information, images, and details about a product, service, organization, or event

brožura, leták

brožura, leták

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having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties

cenově dostupný, přijatelný

cenově dostupný, přijatelný

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to camp

to make a temporary home or shelter, usually outdoors or in the wild



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an outdoor fire that is typically built at a campsite for warmth, cooking, etc.

táborák, ohně

táborák, ohně

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not inside a building or enclosed space

venku, na vzduchu

venku, na vzduchu

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a plastic card that works magnetically and is used instead of a typical door key

klíčová karta, magnetická karta

klíčová karta, magnetická karta

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the process of arriving at a location such as an airport, a hotel, etc., and reporting one's presence

check-in, registrace

check-in, registrace

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reception desk

the counter or the front desk in a hotel, hospital, etc. where visitors or guests can check in, receive assistance, etc.

recepce, recepční pult

recepce, recepční pult

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desk clerk

the receptionist of a hotel, who is responsible for greeting and assisting visitors, answering phones, etc.

recepční, pracovník na recepci

recepční, pracovník na recepci

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day trip

a journey that is completed within a single day, without requiring an overnight stay

výlet na jeden den, jednodenní výlet

výlet na jeden den, jednodenní výlet

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a man working in a hotel, building, etc. who lets visitors in and helps them find a taxi

vrátný, dveřník

vrátný, dveřník

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a room that is designed for two people

dvoulůžkový pokoj, dvojice

dvoulůžkový pokoj, dvojice

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family room

a hotel room in which three or four people can stay and sleep, usually for parents and their children

rodinný pokoj, rodinná suite

rodinný pokoj, rodinná suite

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an arrangement in which two groups or people from different countries do each other's jobs or visit each other

výměna, výmenný program

výměna, výmenný program

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to explore

to visit places one has never seen before

zkoumat, navštívit

zkoumat, navštívit

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front desk

a specific area in a building, like a hotel or office, where one checks in, gets help, or asks questions

recepce, front office

recepce, front office

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tour guide

someone whose job is taking tourists to interesting locations

průvodce, turistický průvodce

průvodce, turistický průvodce

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a place or building that provides cheap food and accommodations for visitors

hostel, ubytovna

hostel, ubytovna

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a small refrigerator in a hotel room with different types of drinks or snacks inside

minibar, mini lednička

minibar, mini lednička

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suitcases, bags, etc. to keep one's clothes and other belongings while traveling

zavazadlo, malé zavazadlo

zavazadlo, malé zavazadlo

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someone who enters a place, such as a building, city, or website, for a particular purpose

návštěvník, host

návštěvník, host

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to sunbathe

to lie or sit in the sun in order to darken one's skin

opalovat, ležet na slunci

opalovat, ležet na slunci

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a duration during which someone remains in a place

pobyt, trvání

pobyt, trvání

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an area by the sea, especially one at which people spend their holiday

pobřeží, mořské pobřeží

pobřeží, mořské pobřeží

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a journey, typically for observing and photographing wild animals in their natural habitat, especially in African countries

safari, výlet

safari, výlet

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a hotel room designed for one person

jednolůžkový pokoj, pokoj pro jednu osobu

jednolůžkový pokoj, pokoj pro jednu osobu

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places that tourists are interested in, particularly those with historical, cultural, or natural significance

památky, turistické atrakce

památky, turistické atrakce

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to tour

to travel around a place, especially for pleasure

toulat se, navštívit

toulat se, navštívit

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a small house, particularly one that is situated in the countryside or a village

chata, chalupa

chata, chalupa

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