पुस्तक Headway - प्री-इंटरमीडिएट - इकाई 4
यहां आपको हेडवे प्री-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 4 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "बंच", "लोफ़", "न्यूज़एजेंट", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping

बैग, झोला

a glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and is used for storing drinks or other liquids


a container, usually with four sides, a bottom, and a lid, that we use for moving or keeping things

डिब्बा, बक्सा

a group of things sharing the same quality, usually connected to each other

एक समूह, एक गुच्छा

bread that has a particular shape and is baked in one piece, usually sliced before being served

रोटी, ब्रेड

a small bag typically made of paper, plastic, etc., that can contain various things, such as tea, sugar, or spices

पैकेट, थैली

a set of two matching items that are designed to be used together or regarded as one


a small cut of a larger portion such as a piece of cake, pizza, etc.

एक स्लाइस, एक टुकड़ा

a substance for chewing with different tastes such as strawberry, mint, etc.

च्यूइंग गम, च्यूइंग गम टुकड़ा

a thin, round piece of potato, cooked in hot oil and eaten cold as a snack

चिप्स, कुरकुरी

pants made of denim, that is a type of strong cotton cloth, and is used for a casual style

जीन, डेनिम पैंट

the white liquid we get from cows, sheep, or goats that we drink and use for making cheese, butter, etc.


the thin sheets on which one can write, draw, or print things, also used as wrapping material


a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, and other items related to reading materials, such as stationery, cards, and sometimes snacks

समाचार विक्रेता, समाचार की दुकान

a shop or section of a store that sells high-quality, ready-to-eat foods like cold cuts, cheeses, and salads

डेलीकेटेसन, खाद्य बाज़ार

a shop selling alcoholic drinks to be taken away and consumed elsewhere

शराब की दुकान, ऑफ-लाइसेंस दुकान

a place where one can buy medicines, cosmetic products, and toiletries

दवाई की दुकान, फार्मेसी