पुस्तक Top Notch फंडामेंटल्स A - इकाई 2 - पाठ 1
यहां आपको पाठ्यक्रम की शीर्ष बुनियादी बातों में यूनिट 2 - पाठ 1 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "बॉस", "रिलेशनशिप", "पड़ोसी", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
the connection among two or more things or people or the way in which they are connected
बंद करें
साइन इनfriend
someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family
बंद करें
साइन इनboss
a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there
बंद करें
साइन इनteammate
a person who is a member of the same team as another person, typically in sports or other competitive activities
बंद करें
साइन इनLanGeek ऐप डाउनलोड करें