पुस्तक Top Notch फंडामेंटल्स B - इकाई 8 - पाठ 1
यहां आपको टॉप नॉच फंडामेंटल्स बी कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 8 - पाठ 1 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "बिल्डिंग", "गार्डन", "नियर", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
a structure that has walls, a roof, and sometimes many levels, like an apartment, house, school, etc.

इमारत, संरचना

a tall building with one or several apartments built on each floor

अपार्टमेंट इमारत, बहु-अपार्टमेंट भवन

a large building with many offices, especially belonging to various companies

दफ्तर भवन, संचालन केंद्र

a set of steps along with their surrounding structure that can lead one from one floor to another


a platform above the ground level and on the outside wall of a building that we can get into from the upper floor

बालकनी, बरामदा

a box-like device that moves up and down and is used to get to the different levels of a building

लिफ्ट, ऊर्ध्वयंत्र

a place where multiple buses begin and end their journeys, particularly a journey between towns or cites

बस स्टेशन, बस अड्डा

a place where trains regularly stop for passengers to get on and off

रेलवे स्टेशन, ट्रेन स्टेशन

a very large, often roofless, structure where sports events, etc. are held for an audience


a large public place in a town or a city that has grass and trees and people go to for walking, playing, and relaxing

पार्क, सार्वजनिक उद्यान

a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public


a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights

हवाई अड्डा

a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment and care

अस्पताल, अस्पताल (m)