पुस्तक English Result - प्रारंभिक - यूनिट 5 - 5डी
यहां आपको इंग्लिश रिजल्ट एलीमेंट्री कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 5 - 5डी की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "घड़ी", "यात्रा", "परफ्यूम", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane
a disk that can be used in computers which is capable of holding a specific amount of unchangeable data
a clock that can be set to an exact time to make a sound and wake someone up
अलार्म घड़ी,बज़ वाली घड़ी
an electronic device used for listening to audio files or for storing digital data
a living thing, like a cat or a dog, that can move and needs food to stay alive, but not a plant or a human
a group of particular objects put together and considered as a whole
a series of keys on a board or touchscreen that we can press or tap to type on a computer, typewriter, smartphone, etc.
a type of food that is brown and sweet and is made from ground cocoa seeds