संबंधात्मक विशेषण - विचारधारा के विशेषण
ये विशेषण उन मूल्यों, दृष्टिकोणों या सिद्धांतों को दर्शाते हैं जो व्यक्तियों या समूहों के राजनीतिक, सामाजिक या दार्शनिक दृष्टिकोण को आकार देते हैं।
समीक्षा करें
relating to a system where nobility hold power and peasants work for their lords

फ्यूडल, फ्यूडलिज्म

supporting the notion that all humans are equal and should be given equal rights

समतावादी, समानता का पक्षधर

supporting the principles of feminism, which aim to achieve equality between the sexes

महिला अधिकारों का समर्थन करने वाला, फेमिनिज़्म का पक्षधर

based on or relating to a specific set of political or economic views or policies

आदर्शात्मक, सिद्धांतों से संबंधित

based on or related to the theories of Karl Marx, which focus on critiquing capitalism and advocating for a socialist society


having a strong sense of love, loyalty, and devotion to one's country

देशभक्ति, राष्ट्रीयतावादी

resembling a society characterized by suffering, oppression, or an undesirable way of life

डिस्टोपियन, विरुद्ध यूटोपियन

referring to a vision of an ideal society, where everything is flawless or nearly perfect


characterized by values that prioritize human welfare and dignity

मानवीय, मानव केंद्रित

adhering strictly to traditional beliefs or principles, often in a religious or ideological context


opposing or advocating against the practice of slavery, which involves the ownership and exploitation of individuals as property

गुलामी विरोधी, गुलामी के खिलाफ