शैक्षणिक IELTS (बैंड 6-7) - Value
यहां, आप वैल्यू से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे जो अकादमिक आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
समीक्षा करें
possessing qualities that make something rare or highly valuable
extremely comfortable, elegant, and often made with high-quality materials or features
costing a lot of money, more than the necessary or affordable amount
अत्यधिक खर्चीला
having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties
affordable or cost-effective, making it suitable for those on a tight budget
बजट के अनुकूल
efficient or thrifty in its use of resources, often emphasizing cost savings or reduced waste
making the most out of available resources by using them wisely and effectively to achieve the best possible results
not recognized or priced as highly as it should be, often indicating that it is worth more than its current assessment
कम आंकना
using resources wisely and efficiently and minimizing waste and unnecessary expenses
achieving maximum efficiency and results with minimal resources and costs
लागत प्रभावी
characterized by a limited amount of financial resources or funding
कम बजट का
priced lower than its perceived or actual value, making it a bargain or a good deal
कम मूल्यांकन
to reduce the official worth or importance of something
अवमूल्यन करना
to underestimate the financial value or worth of as an asset, a company, currency, etc.
कम आंका जाना
denoting the quality of minimizing expenses or preserving financial resources
व्यय बचत करने वाला
considered to be of exceptional worth, importance, or desirability