Könyv: Top Notch 1B - 9. egység – 3. lecke
Itt találja a 9. rész – 3. lecke szókincsét a Top Notch 1B tankönyvben, például „utas”, „induló”, „beszállókártya” stb.
a company or business that provides air transportation services for people and goods

légitársaság, légi szállító

someone traveling in a vehicle, aircraft, ship, etc. who is not the pilot, driver, or a crew member

utas, utasként

to arrive and rest on the ground or another surface after being in the air

leszállni, érkezni

a department or group tasked with ensuring safety and protecting people, property, or information


a ticket or card that passengers must show to be allowed on a ship or plane

beszállókártya, fedélzeti jegy

a part of an airport or terminal that passengers go through to get on or off a plane, train, or bus

kapu, bejárat

an area where passengers wait in an airport until it is time for them to board a plane

indulási váróterem, indulási terem

to sell more tickets or accept more reservations than the available number of seats, rooms, etc.

túlfoglalni, túlrezerválni