Boek Top Notch 1B - Unit 9 - Les 3
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 9 - Les 3 in het Top Notch 1B-cursusboek, zoals "passagier", "vertrekken", "instapkaart", etc.
a company or business that provides air transportation services for people and goods

luchtvaartmaatschappij, vliegtuigmaatschappij

someone traveling in a vehicle, aircraft, ship, etc. who is not the pilot, driver, or a crew member

passagier, passagierster

facts or knowledge related to a thing or person

informatie, gegevens

to leave a location, particularly to go on a trip or journey

vertrekken, afstappen

to arrive and rest on the ground or another surface after being in the air

landen, neerzetten

to move from one side of something to its other side

erdoorheen gaan, oversteken

a department or group tasked with ensuring safety and protecting people, property, or information


a ticket or card that passengers must show to be allowed on a ship or plane

instapkaart, boardingticket

a part of an airport or terminal that passengers go through to get on or off a plane, train, or bus

poort, toegang

an area where passengers wait in an airport until it is time for them to board a plane

vertrekhal, wachtlounge

to sell more tickets or accept more reservations than the available number of seats, rooms, etc.

overboeken, over reserveren

happening later than the intended or expected time

vertraagd, uitgesteld

no longer occurring or happening despite prior arrangements

geannuleerd, afgelast