Könyv: Top Notch 2B - 6. egység – 1. lecke
Itt megtalálja a 6. rész – 1. lecke szókincsét a Top Notch 2B tankönyvben, például „szenvedély”, „őrült”, „stand” stb.
things that people and animals eat, such as meat or vegetables
étel, táplálék
a powerful and intense emotion or feeling toward something or someone, often driving one's actions or beliefs
an animal or human that eats a certain type or amount of food or has a certain manner of eating
evő, eater (főnévként)
someone who consumes a certain drink on a regular basis
ivó, italfogyasztó
someone who cannot stop taking, using, or smoking a substance
független, szenvedélybeteg
someone who admires, loves, or enjoys a certain thing
szerető, rajongó
to be willing to accept or tolerate a difficult situation
elvisel, tolerál
to consider something or someone important and to have a feeling of worry or concern toward them
törődni valamivel, aggódni valami miatt