to either predict the future or uncover hidden truths with the use of supernatural forces
the practice of seeking knowledge or insight about the future or discover hidden knowledge by supernatural means
jósda, döntéshozatal
any kind of higher power deity like gods and goddesses
istenség, istenség
to give up or reject a belief, claim, or practice through formal or public declaration
lemondani, visszautasítani
to reach or to be able to reach and enter a place
hozzáférni, elérni
to agree to something such as a request, proposal, demand, etc.
beleegyezni, megszavazni
the poisonous substance produced by some snakes, scorpions, or spiders to kill their prey or to defend themselves from predators
méreg, toxikus anyag
possessing or producing a toxin that is injected or delivered into another organism through a bite, sting, or other means
méregtartalmú, méregelő
a monumental building dedicated to gods and goddesses
panteon, istenségeknek szentelt templom
the belief that God and the universe are one and the same, considering the entire natural world as a divine expression of God
the process of removal, mainly by surgical means
abscissio, amputáció
to secretly depart, typically with something, like money, that does not rightfully belong to one
eltűnik, eltűnik valamivel
the act of bending or curving, especially of a joint or limb
flexió, hajlítás
the quality of being easily bent without breaking
rugalmasság, hajlékonyság
the act of helping others especially in challenging situations
ministráció, segítség