Könyv: Summit 1A - 2. egység – 4. lecke
Itt találja a Summit 1A tankönyv 2. fejezetének 4. leckéjének szókincsét, például „szórakoztat”, „tetszik”, „nyugtat” stb.
providing amusement, often through humor, drama, or skillful performance

szórakoztató, elgondolkodtató

experiencing enjoyment; typically through pleasant distractions

szórakozott, élvezetes

to make a person feel interested or happy, particularly about something that will happen soon

izgatni, felpezsdíteni

to find something attractive enough to want to know about it more or keep doing it

érdekel, érdeklődni

catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.

érdekes, lenyűgöző

feeling happy and satisfied with something that has happened or with someone's actions

elégedett, örömteli

providing a calming or comforting sensation that helps to relieve or lessen pain or discomfort

megnyugtató, kellemes

bringing about strong emotions, often causing feelings of sympathy or warmth

megható, érzelmes

deeply moved or emotionally affected by something, often in a positive or sentimental way

megérintett, megindult

to do something that causes a person become uninterested, tired, or impatient

unalmasztani, fárasztani

making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

unalmas, fárasztó

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

unalmas, érdektelen

to make someone feel extremely sad or discouraged, often as a result of challenging situations, such as loss

deprimál, elszomorít

to fail to meet someone's expectations or hopes, causing them to feel let down or unhappy

csalódást okozni, meghiúsítani