Könyv: English Result - Haladó - 7-7A egység
Itt megtalálja az angol Result Intermediate tankönyv 7. - 7A. részében található szókincset, például "karakter", "nagylelkű", "bokros" stb.
a person who has special qualities and behaviors that make them different from others
karakter, személyiség
(of a person) doing many things with a lot of energy
aktív, cselekvő
behaving in an angry way and having a tendency to be violent
agresszív, agresszív
trying or wishing to gain great success, power, or wealth
ambiciózus, ambiciózus
having a strong belief in one's abilities or qualities
magabiztos, önbizalommal teli
having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return
bőkezű, bőkezűen
displaying or having creativity or originality
képzeletgazdag, alkotó
friendly, nice, and caring toward other people's feelings
kedves, barátságos
worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it
ideges, aggódó
enjoying other people's company and social interactions
társaságkedvelő, extrovertált
needing attention and action because of possible danger or risk
komoly, súlyos
nervous and uncomfortable around other people
szégyenlős, feszélyezett
not kind or nice toward other people
barátságtalan, ellenséges
(of hair or fur) growing thickly in a way that looks like a bush
bokros, sűrű
the front part of someone's hair cut in a way that hangs across their forehead
frufru, előrehulló haj
(of a man) with a recently shaved beard or moustache
borotvált, bajusz nélkül
having a circular shape, often spherical in appearance
kör, kerek
the front part of our head, where our eyes, lips, and nose are located
arc, felszín
(of someone's hair or an animal's fur) bright orange-brown in color
gyömbér, vörös
(of hair) having a slight curl or wave to it, creating a soft and gentle appearance
hullámos, göndör
(of hair) long in a way that reaches down the shoulders
vállig érő, vállhosszú
the number of years something has existed or someone has been alive
doing or happening after the time that is usual or expected
késő, késlekedő
related to individuals in the age range of thirteen to nineteen
kamasz, fiatal
happening or done before the usual or scheduled time
korai, korábban
the decade of someone's life when they are aged 20 to 29 years old
huszas évek, huszonévek
used before a price, time, etc. to give an idea close to the exact number
körülbelül, kb.
to resemble a thing or person in appearance
úgy néz ki mint, hasonlít valamire
hair that grows or left to grow above the upper lip
bajusz, felső ajak szőr