Könyv: Face2Face - Középhaladó - 6-6B egység
Itt találja a Face2Face előközépfokú tankönyv 6-6B részeinek szókészletét, például "lakótárs", "rokon", "alkalmazott" stb.
the connection among two or more things or people or the way in which they are connected

kapcsolat, viszony

a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there

főnök, igazgató

our sister or brother's daughter, or the daughter of our husband or wife's siblings


a woman who was previously in a romantic relationship with someone but is no longer together with them

volt barátnő, ex-barátnő

the man that is married to one's parent but is not one's biological father

mostohapa, mostohagyermek

a person or organization that hires and pays individuals for a variety of jobs

munkáltató, alkalmazó