Könyv: Four Corners 4 - 8. egység A. lecke
Itt találja a Four Corners 4 tankönyv 8. fejezetének A leckéjének szókincsét, például „tekintsen meg”, „tévesen ítél”, „kínos” stb.
to incorrectly write a word, by using wrong letters or rearranging them in a wrong order

helytelenül írni, helytelenül leírni

to pay close attention to something by looking at it carefully

figyelmesen nézni, megfigyelni

to intentionally ignore or act without concern for something or someone that deserves consideration

figyelmen kívül hagyni, megvetni

to consider something again in order to improve it or make a different decision

újragondolni, felülvizsgálni

to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion

fontolóra venni, töprengeni

to think again about an opinion or decision, particularly to see if it needs changing or not

újraértékel, átgondol

to give a new appearance or design to a room or building by making changes to its decorations or furnishings

újraalakít, újra díszít

to say the sound of a letter or word correctly or in a specific way

kiejteni, hangosan elmondani

to say a word or words incorrectly, especially with regards to the proper pronunciation

helytelenül kiejteni, rosszul kiejteni

to not stop something, such as a task or activity, and keep doing it

folytat, továbbra is folytat

to stop something from happening, being produced, or used any longer

leállítani, felfüggesztani

to form an incorrect opinion or assessment about someone or something

rosszul megítélni, tévesen megítélni

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

csinálni, készíteni

to produce a new version of something that has already been made

újra készíteni, feldolgozni

to know something's meaning, particularly something that someone says

érteni, felfogni

to fail to understand something or someone correctly

félreérteni, rosszul érteni

a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there

főnök, igazgató