Könyv: Face2face - Felső-középhaladó - 11-11B egység
Itt találja a Face2Face Upper-Intermediate tankönyv 11-11B részeinek szókincsét, például "elágazás", "átvétel", "bővítés" stb.
a store, office, etc. that belongs to a larger business, organization, etc. and is representing it in a certain area

fiók, iroda

to begin to be in charge of something, often previously managed by someone else

átvenni, kezelésbe venni

to become a part of an organization, often with the goal of starting a career or profession within that organization

belépni, csatlakozni

to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization

megalapítani, beállítani

(of organizations or people) legally declared as unable to pay their debts to creditors

csődbe ment, csőd

a piece of land with a government of its own, official borders, laws, etc.

ország, nemzet

to send goods or services to a foreign country for sale or trade

exportálni, külföldre küldeni

to own, manage, or organize something such as a business, campaign, a group of animals, etc.

irányítani, vezetni

a group of retail stores that have the same name and sell similar products or services, all owned and run by the same company

lánc, hálózat