Könyv: Insight - Alapszint - 6-6E egység
Itt megtalálja az Insight Elementary tankönyv 6. - 6E. részében található szókészletet, például "képernyő", "fuzzy", "clear" stb.
a hand-held electronic device that is used for reading e-books and other documents in digital format
e-könyv olvasó, e-reader
able to be attached or fastened onto something using a clip
klipszelt, csipeszes
a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination
a physical or virtual button on electronic devices that takes the user back to the home screen or main menu
főgomb, kezdet gomb
a series of keys on a board or touchscreen that we can press or tap to type on a computer, typewriter, smartphone, etc.
the flat panel on a television, computer, etc. on which images and information are displayed
a clickable icon or button in a web browser or mobile app that allows users to return to the previous page they were on
vissza gomb, előző oldal gomb
to remove unwanted or unnecessary things from something or somewhere
tisztítani, felszabadítani
covered with fine short hair or fibers, often giving a soft texture
puhos, zavaros
causing trouble or difficulty due to a lack of compatibility with one's needs, comfort, or purpose
kényelmetlen, problémás
completely without mistakes or flaws, reaching the best possible standard
tökéletes, hiba nélküli