本 Insight - 初歩 - ユニット6 - 6E
ここでは、「スクリーン」、「ファジー」、「クリア」など、Insight Elementary コースブックの Unit 6 ~ 6E の語彙を見つけることができます。
a hand-held electronic device that is used for reading e-books and other documents in digital format

電子書籍リーダー, E-リーダー

a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination


a physical or virtual button on electronic devices that takes the user back to the home screen or main menu

ホームボタン, メインボタン

a series of keys on a board or touchscreen that we can press or tap to type on a computer, typewriter, smartphone, etc.


the flat panel on a television, computer, etc. on which images and information are displayed


a clickable icon or button in a web browser or mobile app that allows users to return to the previous page they were on

ページバックボタン, 前のページボタン

causing trouble or difficulty due to a lack of compatibility with one's needs, comfort, or purpose

不便な, 使いづらい