Könyv: Total English - Kezdő - 6. egység – 2. lecke
Itt találja a Total English Starter tankönyv 6. fejezetének 2. leckéjének szókészletét, például "tiszta", "mosogatógép", "mindennapi" stb.
a room that has a toilet and a sink, and often times a bathtub or a shower as well

fürdőszoba, WC

to use a heated appliance to straighten and smooth wrinkles and creases from fabric

vasalni, gőzölni

the part of a house where people spend time together talking, watching television, relaxing, etc.

nappali, társalgó

to clean a surface by using a machine that sucks up dirt, dust, etc.

porszívózni, porszívóval takarítani

a series of steps connecting two floors of a building, particularly built inside a building

lépcső, lépcsőfok

a collection of plates, bowls, and other similar items that are used for preparing, serving, or eating food

edények, tál

regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.

háztartási munka, házi munka

each of the twenty-four time periods that exist in a day and each time period is made up of sixty minutes


someone whose job is to clean other people’s houses, offices, etc.

takarító, takarítónő