Könyv: Total English - Középhaladó - 1. egység – Referencia
Itt találja a Total English Pre-Intermediate tankönyv 1. rész – Referencia szókincsét, mint például „nap”, „rutin”, „lusta” stb.
to have very strong feelings for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

szeretni, imádni

to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something

szüksége van, megkíván

to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

előnyben részesít, preferál

to know something's meaning, particularly something that someone says

érteni, felfogni

a set of actions or behaviors that someone does regularly or habitually, often in a particular order

rutinszerű, szokás

a mental or physical activity that helps keep our mind and body healthy

gyakorlat, aktivitás

a period of time spent resting or sleeping in bed beyond one's usual waking time, often done for the purpose of getting additional rest or relaxation

pihenés, hosszú alvás

a short period of sleep, typically taken during the day to refresh or rest

szunyókálás, pihenés

(of food or drink) sold to someone for eating or drinking outside the place it is bought from

elvitelre, ki vitt

a sport or game in which a player rolls a ball down a lane with the aim of knocking over as many pins as possible at the other end of the lane

bowling, tekebol

the act or activity of frequently hanging out in nightclubs

klubozás, éjszakai szórakozás

the sport or activity of moving on ice with ice skates

korcsolyázás, jégkorcsolyázás

any theatrical performance that combines singing, dancing, and acting to tell a story

musical, zenés színdarab

a public event at which paintings, photographs, or other things are shown

kiállítás, bemutató

making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

unalmas, fárasztó

causing mental or emotional strain or worry due to pressure or demands

stresszes, feszültséggel teli