Általános Képzés IELTS (5-ös vagy Alacsonyabb Sáv) - Erkölcsi vonások
Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek az általános képzési IELTS vizsgához szükségesek az erkölcsi tulajdonságokhoz.
(of a person) having an obligation to do something or to take care of someone or something as part of one's job or role


able to remain calm, especially in challenging or difficult situations, without becoming annoyed or anxious


showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them

toleráns, elnéző

showing firm and constant support to a person, organization, cause, or belief

hűséges, lojal

treating others with politeness, consideration, and dignity

tiszteletteljes, tiszteletteljesen

showing concern for the well-being of others and being kind and supportive in one's actions and interactions

gondoskodó, törődő

having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

bőkezű, bőkezűen

not truthful or trustworthy, often engaging in immoral behavior

tisztességtelen, hazug

influencing or controlling others in an unfair or deceptive way, often to achieve one's own goals

manipulatív, manipulátor

not able to be depended on or trusted to perform consistently or fulfill obligations

megbízhatatlan, ingadozó

having an excessive and intense desire for something, especially wealth, possessions, or power

kapzsi, törekvő

neglecting one's duties or obligations, often causing harm or inconvenience to others

felelőtlenség, gondatlan

always putting one's interests first and not caring about the needs or rights of others

önző, egocentrikus

behaving or talking in a way that is inconsiderate or offensive to a person or thing

tiszteletlen, megsértő

showing no mercy, particularly toward people's faults

kegyetlen, megbocsátatlan

unable to wait calmly for something or someone, often feeling irritated or frustrated

türelmetlen, sóvárgó