
Állatok - Macskafélék

Itt megtanulhatja a macskafélék angol nyelvű neveit, például "tigris", "vadmacska" és "hegyi oroszlán".









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Words Related to Animals

a powerful and large animal that is from the cat family and mostly found in Africa, with the male having a large mane

oroszlán, oroszlán nőstény

oroszlán, oroszlán nőstény

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mountain lion

a large wild cat with a grayish coat that is originally found in mountainous areas of North America

puma, hegyi oroszlán

puma, hegyi oroszlán

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a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, has orange fur and black stripes, and is mostly found in Asia



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a large wild animal belonging to the cat family with a yellow fur covered with black spots, native to Central and South America

jaguár, nagy macska

jaguár, nagy macska

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a small or mid-sized wild mammal of the cat family that usually lives in mountains or forests

vadmacska, mezei macska

vadmacska, mezei macska

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a large wild cat with a grayish brown coat, native to the Americas

puma, hegyi oroszlán

puma, hegyi oroszlán

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a large wild cat with a tawny fur that lives in mountains, native to the Americas

puma, hegyi macska

puma, hegyi macska

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a mid-sized wild cat with a short tail and pointed ears, often found in North America and Eurasia



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a medium-sized wild cat that is red in color with black markings, native to North America

vörös hiúz, bobcat

vörös hiúz, bobcat

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a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, can run very fast, and has yellow fur that is covered with small black spots



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a large wild animal from the cat family with yellow fur and hollow black spots



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snow leopard

a large, elusive, and endangered big cat species known for its unique beauty, adapted for life in high-altitude mountainous regions of Central Asia

hóleopárd, hóló

hóleopárd, hóló

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a mid-sized feline with round ears and black spots and stripes on its yellow coat that is found mainly in Americas

ocelot, tigris

ocelot, tigris

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a nocturnal mammal with a lean body, long tail and striped and spotted coat that is native to tropical Asia and Africa

civet, zibetti

civet, zibetti

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a small wildcat native to Central and South America, known for its agility and ability to adapt to a variety of forest habitats

margay, vadmacska

margay, vadmacska

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marbled cat

a small wild cat species native to South and Southeast Asia. It is characterized by its distinctive marbled coat pattern, with dark stripes and spots on a grayish-brown background.

márványmacska, márványos macska

márványmacska, márványos macska

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a small wild cat species native to South America. It is about the size of a domestic cat and has a stocky build with a broad head and short tail.

kodkod (főnév) - Dél-Amerikában őshonos kis vadmacska fajta.

kodkod (főnév) - Dél-Amerikában őshonos kis vadmacska fajta.

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bay cat

a small wild cat native to the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is recognized by its reddish-brown fur with distinctive white markings on its face and belly.

öböl macska, borneói vadmacska

öböl macska, borneói vadmacska

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leopard cat

a small wildcat species found across a wide range of habitats in Asia, known for its spotted coat and adaptability to various environments

leopárdmacska, vadmacska

leopárdmacska, vadmacska

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flat-headed cat

a small wild cat of Southeast Asia with a flat, elongated head, short legs, and webbed toes

laposfejű macska, lapos fejű macska

laposfejű macska, lapos fejű macska

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fishing cat

a medium-sized wild cat that is found in the wetlands of South and Southeast Asia

halászmacska, halászó macska

halászmacska, halászó macska

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a small wildcat species found in parts of the Americas, known for its sleek body, short legs, and long tail



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a nocturnal catlike mammal with a spotted fur and long ringed tail that feeds on insects and small animals



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a small wild cat species native to Central and South America

oncilla, kis vadmacska

oncilla, kis vadmacska

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a medium-sized wild cat species known for its distinctive long legs, large ears, and spotted coat, native to Africa



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a unique carnivorous mammal native to Madagascar, known for its slender body, sharp teeth, and long tail



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jungle cat

a medium-sized wild cat species found in various habitats across Asia and Africa, characterized by its sandy-brown coat, long legs, and tufted ears

dzsungelkutya, vadmacska

dzsungelkutya, vadmacska

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sand cat

a small wild cat species that is adapted to live in arid regions of North Africa and Southwest Asia

homoki macska, sivatagi macska

homoki macska, sivatagi macska

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Asian golden cat

a medium-sized wild cat species native to Southeast Asia, which is recognized for its golden-brown fur with black spots, stripes or bands

ázsiai aranymacska, délkelet-ázsiai aranymacska

ázsiai aranymacska, délkelet-ázsiai aranymacska

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pallas's cat

a small wild cat species native to the grasslands and montane steppes of Central Asia

Pallasz-macska, steppe macska

Pallasz-macska, steppe macska

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white tiger

a rare color variant of the Bengal tiger, with white fur and black stripes

fehér tigris, fehér bengáli tigris

fehér tigris, fehér bengáli tigris

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Bengal tiger

a large and powerful big cat species native to the Indian subcontinent, known for its distinctive orange coat with black stripes

bengáli tigris, bengáli nagymacska

bengáli tigris, bengáli nagymacska

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Canada lynx

a medium-sized wild cat native to North America, known for its distinctive tufted ears and long hind legs

kanadai hiúz, hiúz Kanadából

kanadai hiúz, hiúz Kanadából

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clouded leopard

a medium-sized wild cat native to Southeast Asia

felhős leopárd, felhőleopárd

felhős leopárd, felhőleopárd

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tiger cat

a medium-sized wild cat found in Central and South America

tigriscica, tigriscica erdő

tigriscica, tigriscica erdő

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Andean mountain cat

a small wild cat native to the high Andes Mountains of South America

andoki hegyicica, hegyi macska az Andokon

andoki hegyicica, hegyi macska az Andokon

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black-footed cat

a small wild cat native to southern Africa, named for its distinctive black foot pads

fekete talpú macska, vad fekete talpú macska

fekete talpú macska, vad fekete talpú macska

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rusty-spotted cat

the smallest wild cat species in Asia and one of the smallest in the world, with a distinctive rusty-red coat with spots

rozsdafoltú macska, vad macska rozsdafoltokkal

rozsdafoltú macska, vad macska rozsdafoltokkal

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Geoffroy's cat

a small wild cat species native to South America, typically found in grasslands, scrublands, and forests

Geoffroy macska, Geoffroy vadmacska

Geoffroy macska, Geoffroy vadmacska

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black panther

a leopard with an all-black coat

fekete párduc, fekete leopárd

fekete párduc, fekete leopárd

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