500 Kata Keterangan Bahasa Inggris yang Paling Umum - 101 - 125 Kata Keterangan Teratas
Di sini Anda diberikan bagian 5 dari daftar kata keterangan paling umum dalam bahasa Inggris seperti "baru-baru ini", "hampir", dan "sebagian besar".
Kartu flash
used to indicate that something that was once true or done is no longer the case
tidak lagi, lagi tidak
used to emphasize the nature or most important aspects of a person or thing
secara esensial, pada dasarnya
in a manner where two or more things happen together
pada saat yang sama, secara bersamaan
in a manner that indicates the majority of something is in a certain condition or of a certain type
sebagian besar, umumnya
in a straight line from one point to another without turning or pausing
langsung, lurus
used for expressing that one hopes something will happen
semoga, mudah-mudahan
in a way that cannot be avoided
secara necesitas, secara tak terhindarkan
used to suggest a logical conclusion based on the information or reasoning provided
oleh karena itu, maka
only for one certain type of person or thing
secara spesifik, khususnya
used to express regret or say that something is disappointing or sad
sayangnya, terpaksa
used when ending a conversation, or changing, or returning to a subject