Buku Headway - Pra-menengah - Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari (Unit 12)
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari Unit 12 di buku pelajaran Pra-Menengah Headway, seperti "senang", "sebutkan", "melalui", dll.
Kartu flash
something we say to someone to show we are grateful to them for something that they have done for us or given us
Terima kasih, Saya berterima kasih
a word we say when we are leaving or someone is leaving, or at the end of a phone call
Selamat tinggal, Sampai jumpa
a courteous response to express that one is happy or willing to do something for someone else, typically in response to an expression of gratitude
Dengan senang hati, Ini adalah kesenangan
expressing or feeling appreciation and thankfulness for something received or experienced
syukur, berterima kasih
(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something
mengganggu, membuat risau
to say something about someone or something, without giving much detail
menyebutkan, mengacu
to use words and our voice to show what we are thinking or feeling
mengatakan, menyatakan
used to indicate movement or passage from one side or end to the other
melalui, lewat
to consider something or someone important and to have a feeling of worry or concern toward them
peduli, khawatir tentang
success and good fortune that is brought by chance and not because of one's own efforts and actions
keberuntungan, nasib
to reach a location, particularly as an end to a journey
tiba, mencapai
the act of travelling between two or more places, especially when there is a long distance between them
perjalanan, pergi