Buku Face2Face - Pra-menengah - Satuan 3 - 3C
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 3 - 3C di buku pelajaran Pra-Menengah Face2Face, seperti "koleksi", "bantuan", "informasi", dll.
Kartu flash
to gather together things from different places or people
mengumpulkan sesuatu
a group of particular objects put together and considered as a whole
to help a person in performing a task, achieving a goal, or dealing with a problem
to make something have no bacteria, marks, or dirt
membersihkan sesuatu
someone whose job is to clean other people’s houses, offices, etc.
seseorang yang tugasnya membersihkan suatu tempat
the action or process of making something better or becoming better
to take actions to check the quality, reliability, or performance of something
menganalisis sesuatu
the use of creativity and imagination to express emotions and ideas by making things like paintings, sculptures, music, etc.
someone who creates drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc. either as their job or hobby
a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to
someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession
a choice or judgment that is made after adequate consideration or thought
to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper
mewawancarai seseorang
a person who asks questions to obtain information from someone in an interview, usually to evaluate their qualifications, opinions, or experiences
to think carefully about different things and choose one of them
memutuskan sesuatu
the process of looking closely at something to see if there are any issues
pemeriksaan kesehatan
a discussion, typically a serious one, between two or more people with different views
to go somewhere because we want to spend time with someone
berkunjung ke suatu tempat
someone who enters a place, such as a building, city, or website, for a particular purpose
to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them
berdebat dengan seseorang
someone who works in the government or a law-making organization
someone who administers a test to determine your qualifications
to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner
memberi tahu seseorang