Buku Insight - Menengah atas - Satuan 5 - 5E
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 5 - 5E dalam buku pelajaran Insight Upper-Intermediate, seperti "rivet", "insightful", "gripping", dll.
Kartu flash
having or showing a deep understanding or knowledge of something

berwawasan, insightful

exciting and intriguing in a way that attracts one's attention

menarik, mendebarkan

holding one's attention completely due to being exciting or interesting

menarik, mendebarkan

bringing about strong emotions, often causing feelings of sympathy or warmth

mengharukan, menyentuh

effectively conveying or revealing a particular quality, emotion, or idea through speech, writing, or artistic means

ekspresif, menggambarkan

(of a person) able to quickly and accurately understand or notice things due to keen awareness and insight

perceptive, peka