Kata sifat Sebab dan Akibat - Kata Sifat Kapasitas Fisik
Kata sifat ini menggambarkan kemampuan seseorang atau objek untuk menghasilkan hasil fisik atau perubahan pada entitas lain.
Kartu flash
not able to be used or accessed effectively, typically due to damage, malfunction, or impracticality
tidak bisa digunakan
(of a written or coded content) clear in a way that is easy to decipher or understand
able to be easily taken off or detached from its original position or location
dapat dilepas
able to be changed from one form of currency, investment, or security into another
able to be changed or adapted to fit different needs, preferences, or circumstances
dapat disesuaikan
(of a resource, energy, etc.) naturally restored as fast as or faster than they are used up
able to be processed or converted into new products after its initial use
dapat didaur ulang
(of an object) able to be broken down by living organisms such as bacteria, which is then safe for the environment
capable of being filled with air or gas, typically to expand in size or volume for various purposes
capable of being separated or removed from the main structure or component
dapat dilepas
able to be divided or disassembled into distinct parts or components
able to be safely cleaned with water or other cleaning agents without being damaged
dapat dicuci
not capable of being entered, pierced, or passed through
tak tertembus
not capable of being maintained or continued over the long term
tidak berkelanjutan