IELTS Pelatihan Umum (Band 5 dan di Bawah) - Permintaan dan Saran
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Permintaan dan Saran yang diperlukan untuk ujian General Training IELTS.
Kartu flash
to request for something or tell someone to give or do something
meminta sesuatu
to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.
to humbly ask for something, especially when one needs or desires that thing a lot
to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation
to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action
to seek information or advice from someone, especially before making a decision or doing something
to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation
membutuhkan sesuatu
to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something
membutuhkan seseorang atau sesuatu