
Kolokasi dari 'Make- Take- Have' - Non-Physical Actions (Take)

Temukan bagaimana kolokasi bahasa Inggris dengan 'Ambil' seperti "bergiliran" dan "mengambil pelajaran" mengekspresikan tindakan non-fisik dalam bahasa Inggris.




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Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to take a nap

to rest or sleep for a short period of time during the day

tidur siang

tidur siang

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to take a class

to enroll and participate in an educational program or lesson

menghadiri sebuah kelas

menghadiri sebuah kelas

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to take a decision

to choose from existing options or alternatives

memutuskan untuk memilih atau melakukan sesuatu

memutuskan untuk memilih atau melakukan sesuatu

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to take a holiday

to go on vacation or take time off from work or daily activities to relax and enjoy leisure activities

pergi berlibur

pergi berlibur

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to take a lesson

to learn or improve a skill through a class or guidance

pergi ke sebuah kelas

pergi ke sebuah kelas

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to take a picture

to use a device like a camera or cellphone to capture an image of something or someone

mengambil foto

mengambil foto

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to take a rest

to temporarily stop physical or mental activity in order to relax and regain energy



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to take a survey

to respond to a series of questions designed to gather information, opinions, or feedback on a specific topic or subject

menanggapi serangkaian pertanyaan

menanggapi serangkaian pertanyaan

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to take a break

to stop working or doing an activity temporarily in order to rest, relax, etc.

beristirahat sebentar

beristirahat sebentar

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to take a trip

to go on a journey for enjoyment or exploration

sedang melakukan perjalanan

sedang melakukan perjalanan

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to take sb/sth to court

to start a legal process against someone or something to resolve a dispute

mengajukan pengaduan hukum terhadap seseorang

mengajukan pengaduan hukum terhadap seseorang

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to take turns

to share opportunities or responsibilities with others in a fair and orderly manner

melakukan sesuatu secara bergantian

melakukan sesuatu secara bergantian

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to take a stand

to firmly hold a position or opinion on an issue, often for moral, ethical, or social reasons

memegang pendapatnya dengan tegas

memegang pendapatnya dengan tegas

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to take a guess

to make a rough estimate or prediction, especially when one does not have complete or precise information

menebak tentang seseorang atau sesuatu

menebak tentang seseorang atau sesuatu

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to take a gander

to look at something for a brief time

melihat sesuatu secara singkat

melihat sesuatu secara singkat

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take it or leave it

used to show that one does not care if one's offer is accepted or rejected one will not negotiate further

Saya tidak peduli apakah Anda menerima tawaran saya atau tidak

Saya tidak peduli apakah Anda menerima tawaran saya atau tidak

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to take a tumble

to experience a sudden setback, failure, or decline

to take aback

to surprise someone so much that they are unable to react quickly



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to take liberties

to act in a way that is overly familiar or inappropriate without permission or proper authority

bersikap terlalu bebas

bersikap terlalu bebas

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to take time off

to not go to work or school for a certain period of time to take care of personal matters or recharge one's energy and focus



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