همآییهای 'Make- Take- Have' - اعمال غیر فیزیکی (تک)
کشف کنید که چگونه ترکیبهای انگلیسی با "Take" مانند "take turns" و "take a lesson" اعمال غیر فیزیکی را به زبان انگلیسی بیان میکنند.
املای کلمه
to go on vacation or take time off from work or daily activities to relax and enjoy leisure activities

برای تعطیلات به سفر رفتن
to use a device like a camera or cellphone to capture an image of something or someone

عکس گرفتن
to temporarily stop physical or mental activity in order to relax and regain energy

استراحت کردن
to respond to a series of questions designed to gather information, opinions, or feedback on a specific topic or subject

به یک سری سوالات پاسخ دادن
to stop working or doing an activity temporarily in order to rest, relax, etc.

کوتاه استراحت کردن, استراحت کوتاه داشتن
to start a legal process against someone or something to resolve a dispute

علیه کسی شکایت حقوقی کردن
to share opportunities or responsibilities with others in a fair and orderly manner

نوبتی کاری را انجام دادن
to firmly hold a position or opinion on an issue, often for moral, ethical, or social reasons

قاطعانه پای نظر و حرف خود ایستادن
to make a rough estimate or prediction, especially when one does not have complete or precise information

حدس زدن
used to show that one does not care if one's offer is accepted or rejected one will not negotiate further

میخوای بخواه، نمیخوای نخواه
to act in a way that is overly familiar or inappropriate without permission or proper authority
to not go to work or school for a certain period of time to take care of personal matters or recharge one's energy and focus

مرخصی گرفتن