
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - Non-Physical Actions (Take)

"taketurn"및 "take a Lesson"과 같은 'Take'와 관련된 영어 연어가 영어에서 비신체적 행동을 어떻게 표현하는지 알아보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to take a nap

to rest or sleep for a short period of time during the day

낮잠을 자다

낮잠을 자다

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to take a class

to enroll and participate in an educational program or lesson

수업에 참석하다

수업에 참석하다

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to take a decision

to choose from existing options or alternatives

무언가를 선택하거나 하기로 결정하기

무언가를 선택하거나 하기로 결정하기

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to take a holiday

to go on vacation or take time off from work or daily activities to relax and enjoy leisure activities

휴가를 가다

휴가를 가다

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to take a lesson

to learn or improve a skill through a class or guidance

수업을 들으러 가다

수업을 들으러 가다

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to take a picture

to use a device like a camera or cellphone to capture an image of something or someone

사진을 찍다

사진을 찍다

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to take a rest

to temporarily stop physical or mental activity in order to relax and regain energy

휴식을 취하다

휴식을 취하다

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to take a survey

to respond to a series of questions designed to gather information, opinions, or feedback on a specific topic or subject

일련의 질문에 응답하기

일련의 질문에 응답하기

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to take a break

to stop working or doing an activity temporarily in order to rest, relax, etc.

잠시 쉬다

잠시 쉬다

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to take a trip

to go on a journey for enjoyment or exploration

여행을 떠나다

여행을 떠나다

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to take sb/sth to court

to start a legal process against someone or something to resolve a dispute

누군가를 상대로 법적 불만 제기

누군가를 상대로 법적 불만 제기

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to take turns

to share opportunities or responsibilities with others in a fair and orderly manner

차례대로 뭔가를 하고 있다

차례대로 뭔가를 하고 있다

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to take a stand

to firmly hold a position or opinion on an issue, often for moral, ethical, or social reasons

단호하게 자신의 의견을 고수하다

단호하게 자신의 의견을 고수하다

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to take a guess

to make a rough estimate or prediction, especially when one does not have complete or precise information

누군가 또는 무언가에 대해 추측

누군가 또는 무언가에 대해 추측

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to take a gander

to look at something for a brief time

뭔가를 잠깐 보고 있다

뭔가를 잠깐 보고 있다

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take it or leave it

used to show that one does not care if one's offer is accepted or rejected one will not negotiate further

당신이 내 제안을 받아들이든 안 받아들이든 상관없어요

당신이 내 제안을 받아들이든 안 받아들이든 상관없어요

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to take a tumble

to experience a sudden setback, failure, or decline

to take aback

to surprise someone so much that they are unable to react quickly



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to take liberties

to act in a way that is overly familiar or inappropriate without permission or proper authority

자유를 누리다

자유를 누리다

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to take time off

to not go to work or school for a certain period of time to take care of personal matters or recharge one's energy and focus

시간을 내다

시간을 내다

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