Preposisi - Preposisi Perusahaan dan Koneksi
Preposisi ini menunjukkan orang atau benda yang saling menyertai atau terhubung dalam beberapa cara.
Kartu flash
used when two or more things or people are together in a single place
used to indicate that something or someone is accompanying or included with another person or thing
bersama dengan, bersamaan
in partnership with a particular person, organization, or entity
bekerja sama dengan, dalam kemitraan dengan
together with something else
dalam kombinasi dengan, bersama dengan
used to covey that two or more people or things are working together to achieve a common goal
bekerja sama dengan, serempak dengan
in combination or partnership with another
bersama dengan, dalam kombinasi dengan
used to show that two or more people or things are working together or happening at the same time to achieve a common goal
bersamaan dengan, bekerja sama dengan
acting or happening together in perfect agreement or harmony
serentak dengan, dalam keselarasan dengan
used to express a connection, association, or relationship between individuals
ke, untuk
used to indicate a connection or relationship between two or more entities
antara, di antara