Preposisi - Preposisi Durasi dan Pengulangan
Preposisi ini menunjukkan durasi suatu peristiwa atau menunjukkan pengulangannya seiring waktu.
Kartu flash
used to indicate a temporal interval or a period of time during which an event or action occurs
used to express that something happens continuously from the beginning to the end of a period of time
selama, pada saat
used to indicate that something happens within a certain amount of time
dalam satu jam, dalam waktu satu jam
before a specific period of time passes
dalam satu jam ke depan, sebelum satu jam berlalu
used to indicate the span or duration of time during which something occurs or continues
selama, dalam
used to indicate the duration or span of time during which an action or situation occurs
melalui, selama
used to show that something continues or lasts up to a specific point in time and often not happening or existing after that time
sampai, hingga
used to describe a specific point or period of time that extends until a certain moment or event
hingga, sampai
used to indicate continuous or sequential occurrence of an action or event
hari demi hari, setiap hari