Daftar Kata Level A2 - Kata Keterangan Penting
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata keterangan penting dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti "mungkin", "mungkin", dan "hampir", yang disiapkan untuk pelajar A2.
Kartu flash
used to show likelihood or possibility without absolute certainty
mungkin, kemungkinan besar
used before a price, time, etc. to give an idea close to the exact number
sekitar, kira-kira
used to introduce another fact or idea in addition to something already mentioned
juga, selain itu
used to show surprise when someone says something that is not true
sebenarnya, padahal
used to indicate that something is completely accurate or correct
tepat, persis
used to say that something is nearly the case but not completely
hampir, nyaris
used for showing that what you are saying is more closely related to a specific thing or person than others
terutama, khususnya
after a long time, usually when there has been some difficulty
akhirnya, pada akhirnya
in a way that does not involve anything additional or beyond what is mentioned
hanya, cuma
in position or direction that is further forward or in front of a person or thing
di depan, maju