Penampilan - Warna Rambut
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan warna rambut seperti "brunette", "ginger", dan "auburn".
Kartu flash
(especially of hair) being shiny and black in color
hitam seperti gagak, hitam berkilau
(of a person) having reddish-brown hair, sometimes paired with a white skin
berambut merah, berambut kemerahan
(of hair) having a very pale grayish blond color
pirang abu-abu, pirang keabu-abuan
brownish-red in color, often used to refer to hair
merah-coklat, coklat kemerahan
(of hair) bleached and light blond in color
blond botol, blond yang diputihkan
having a shade of brown hair that is darker than auburn and lighter than black
cokelat, brunette
(of hair, skin, or eyes) characterized by a deep brown color that can range from light to very dark shades
gelap, hitam
(of someone's hair or an animal's fur) bright orange-brown in color
jahe, merah
(used especially of hair or fur) being reddish-brown in color
jahe, coklat kemerahan
(of hair) pale brown in color that is considered to be too plain
coklat kelinci, biasa
(especially of hair) having two shades of color one of which is darker than the other
garam dan lada, abu-abu
having hair that is turning or has turned gray, typically as a sign of aging
berambut abu-abu, beruban abu-abu
(of hair) being blond with a red shade
blonde stroberi, pirang dengan nuansa merah